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Career Questions Roulette

Welcome to the "Career Questions Roulette" – a reflective tool, prompting you to think critically about various aspects of your professional journey. Each question in our carousel is designed to spark introspection and self-awareness, helping you to uncover hidden insights about your career path. As you engage with these questions, you'll be encouraged to contemplate and reassess your goals, decisions, and strategies in the context of career advancement.


This exercise aligns with the principles and insights shared in our book, "Move Up or Move On," guiding you towards a more fulfilling and successful career.


  1. Below you already have a randomly selected question. But you can click the "Spin" button to get another one.

  2. Take a moment to think deeply about the question. There are no right or wrong answers, only insights into your career path and choices.

  3. Jot down your reflections in a personal journal or any space where you take notes. Writing can enhance your clarity and commitment to action.

  4. Feel free to spin the roulette as many times as you like for new questions and continued exploration. 

  5. Optionally (but highly recommended), share your thoughts with someone you trust, such as a mentor, coach, colleague, spouse, or friend for further discussion and perspective.

How would your daily schedule change if you focused more on your strengths?

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