Do you ever feel dissatisfied with the contribution you’re making? Afraid of falling behind? Stuck in your job with no way out, or passed over for jobs, projects or clients?
If you said ‘yes’ to any of the above, this book is the blueprint for pursuing a career on your terms, whatever stage you’re at. Unlock the secrets to career success with 'Move Up or Move On'. This authoritative and friendly book presents a comprehensive model of 10 critical career practices, allowing readers to self-assess their professional journey with an easy-to-use diagnostic.
Packed with engaging support tools and exercises, this book ensures a personalized career strategy for every reader. Whether you're navigating career shifts, aiming for advancement, or wanting to consolidate in place, 'Move Up or Move On' provides actionable insights for long-term success. Elevate your career with this insightful guide – your pathway to professional excellence starts here.
Kickstart your career growth with this proprietary and concise diagnostic tool. It's designed to gauge how actively you're managing your career right now. The assessment pinpoints your strengths and areas for development across 10 vital career practices.
Your path to career success is just a click away!
After you get your results, click here for a step-by-step debriefing guide to dive deeper into their implications for your career.

Example to illustrate this exercise from Chapter 1.
Career Plan example (see Chapter 2 for instructions).
Spin the 'Career Questions Roulette' – an interactive journey to reevaluate and enhance your career path, inspired by the insights from 'Move Up or Move On'.